Sunday, June 26, 2016

Thinking out loud...

I haven't posted anything in a long time. This blog is one of those things that I had all the right intentions with, but putting those intentions into action has been a struggle. I actually posted this on my Facebook page earlier, but thought I would just leave it here as well in case a wider audience might somehow stumble across this nugget of common sense...

I saw this picture and it made me chuckle. Then it made me wonder if that was an actual option. The whole notion of politics at this point is just so broken. Debates sound more like an elementary playground argument, each pointing out what the other did wrong, rather than anyone offering solutions. Parties are so intent on merely defeating the other that we have very little hope of any actual progress. So we as Americans are now forced to choose between the lesser of two evils. For clarification, being the lesser of evil doesn't make either good. When I registered to vote, I registered as "No Party Preference". This is not because I don't think that politics or how they shape our country moving forward isn't important. Rather, I believe that more important than identifying with a certain party is listening and then making a choice based on our own convictions and values. Case in point, there are so many people that are simply so entrenched in being blindly "anti-liberal" that they are now forced into finding ways to justify blatant fear mongering, racist, bigoted, and otherwise hate filled rhetoric that appeals to the worst parts of our humanity. To be clear, I love America. I'm not trying to move to Canada or anything. I just can't believe that what used to be the most revered office in the entire world has devolved into the mess we have in front of us. And so, politics, in keeping with the spirit of the photo that sparked this little rant, I would like use a classic breakup line like "it's not you, its me." But it is you. It is most certainly you.

Thank you for your time, talk to you (hopefully) soon!